Director John Miles - Biography

Filmed and produced films for National Geographic, Discovery Channel, BBC, PBS, C4, C5, La Premiere, NHK Japan, broadcast in over 200 countries. 
Founder in 1991 of Equilibrium Films,  on the cutting edge of documentary film-making  in the developing world; focusing on cultures, indigenous people, human adventure, current affairs/ human rights,  education, wildlife, and  the environment .
Filming in all the World’s continents, covering difficult and challenging subjects. Ranging from documenting human rights abuses in war zones; Sudan, Burma, Afghanistan, to extensive unsupported films in the Brazilian Amazonian rainforests reporting on the plight of indigenous people. Filming amongst the Tamil Tigers for 3 months in Sri Lanka. 
A veteran of many solo expeditions, pioneering journeys to some of the World's most inhospitable places, from Borneo’s steaming jungles, Yemen’s parched deserts, to the freezing Arctic and 20,000 ft volcanoes in Chile .  Underwater cameraman of  15 years standing, having filmed Sharks,  submarines, ROV’s and ancient underwater cities for Discovery and C4.
Undercover filming in Iran for two of the most prestigious investigative series, C4 dispatches in the UK and PBS Frontline in the US which won the Foreign Press Award.
Writer and photographer for many feature articles and scripts on many of the subjects covered. Executive Producer for Discovery Channel and Animal Planet on many awards winning series and over a hundred films.
Biography CV - click to Download